You’re Going to Poop the Rest of Your Life… What’s the Rush????

Ok, so I am currently smack dab in the middle of one of the most challenging experiences of my life… I am teaching my 15-year-old son how to drive!!!!!! OOOMMMGGGG!!!! For the most part, I am a pretty calm kinda gal. However, this adventure has required a level of patience like I’ve never experienced before.


Forget the fact that I am still in awe that I have a child who is old enough to drive anyway! I mean, it feels like we were watching episodes of Little Bill, playing Beyblades and building Lego figures just yesterday!!!! Nevertheless, of course when he told me he was enrolled in Driver’s Ed, had to get his learner’s permit, and actually start operating a real motor vehicle, I had to rise to the challenge and help teach him the simple art of driving, right????? UUUUUUMMMM…. NO!!! This thing is INTENSE!!!! Like most people, I’m sure, we started off in the parking lot, moved to dirt roads, and have now advanced to two lane streets; however, it has taken several weeks (and a few missed stop signs) to get here!!!

Though we have been practicing about 3-5 times weekly, it occurred to me, that unfortunately my son is nowhere near the place where he can have his driver’s license and operate a vehicle on his own any time soon. Now that doesn’t mean I will stop working with him. I plan to work with him almost every day until he reaches his goals, however, rather than risk his, ours, or others’ lives, I have come to accept the fact that he needs A LOT more practice and it will probably be much longer than the 2 months he has left until he completes his driver’s training and turns 16.

For some, automatically this would spell failure. I have to admit, my determination for him being successful was what drove my anxiety and frustration. How could we (ultimately, I) fail to meet such a huge milestone? Then it occurred to me, so many of us are governed by the “milestone timeline.” The idea that things must be done according to the majority of the population. That timeline looks like this: You should graduate college by 21, get married by 24-26, pregnant by 30. Baby should be walking by 1, potty-trained by 2, reading by 4. They should be in the gifted and talented group, they should be in 3-5 different athletic or fine arts activities to prepare for scholarships (in 10 years!!!) and the list goes on and on. And OH MY GOSH!!!! YOU ARE 33 AND NOT MARRIED????? What is wrong with you???? We measure ourselves and our successes by our ability to meet these timelines. But I have an important question: WHO set the timelines? What substance or weight do they really hold in the big grand scheme?

I mean, think about it: does it really matter if your baby walks at 14 months instead of 12? Or for heaven sakes, they are SUPER SUPER special if they start walking at 9 months!!! I mean they would qualify for the “Baby Who Walked First Award” right???? Is that any indication of their intellect? Their ability or lack thereof? Or is it merely a source of pride for parents to brag and post that their AMAZING child has passed the test and is READING A BOOK AT AGE 1!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Really????? WHO CARES????

Trust me. I am not making light of us achieving goals for our lives or our children’s lives. However, we must make sure they don’t govern our happiness or reflection of our success. We can’t be filled with feelings of failure if our lives don’t line up with the world’s timeline. You, me, our children were fearfully and wonderfully made. One of a kind. God broke the mold when he made you! Don’t look to the left or the right to determine where you should fit on the marker. RUN YOUR RACE! In all things, we have to seek God for His direction and His timing for the purpose and plan for our life. His ways are so much higher than ours. While we are rushing to marry this man because “I’m getting old and pretty soon I won’t be able to have kids” we settle for less than what He has for us because we are on some crazy time schedule! Because everyone else has a house by “this age,” we go into ridiculous amounts of debt to stay on top of it. We become overly anxious because our kid may not be ready to drive until he is 17…or even 18 and we lose sight of such a great learning experience.

Whatever the case, don’t allow this undo pressure to force a speed race in any area of your life. Slow down and enjoy the journey that is necessary for full completion. Lean not unto your own understanding… let God direct and order your steps and you will always end up on top, finishing at a time suitable for YOU based on HIS timeline.  Ultimately, you/your child will drive, walk, read, talk, poop, for the rest of their life… No need to rush this awesome process!!!



Two things I have in every room in my house, a clock and a sign. 🙂 I LOVE SIGNS… and all things positive. I remember when I used to teach high school, I would cover my bulletin boards with hundreds of inspirational quotes from various influential figures to help bring love and encouragement to the classroom. It would only be fitting to create this same energy in my own home. So, for the past several months, I have shopped various stores, antique shops, boutiques, and Etsy, to collect signs of scriptures, quotes, thoughts of wisdom or simple words to reflect some of my favorite ideas. Last week, my husband helped to hang my last sign and my word wall is finally complete.

Here are pics of our completed project. Though it may take a little time, it is actually quite easy to do. Start by purchasing the signs that reflect your sentiments. You will find them at Hobby Lobby, TJ Maxx, Ross, Altrd’ State, Etsy, Marshalls, Kirkland’s, and the like. Pace yourself with the purchasing… signs can get costly. In a puzzle like manner, hang each sign in random design according to the fit of the one to follow. Continue with this process until you reach capacity. Feel free to add framed pictures, initials, clocks or whatever brings meaning to your collage. Whatever the case, there is no way to do it wrong. It is a great way to share your heart with all who dwell in or visit your home. Have fun. Spread the wisdom, inspiration and love… Lord knows we could all use it.


When I taught high school, I used to fill my bulletin board with awesome quotes… some things never change…


A collection of scriptures, quotes, thoughts of wisdom, or simple words from various stores, antique shops, Etsy and others to reflect some of our favorite ideas.


So grateful to my husband for helping me hang all of my tedious wall projects!!!!


one sign at a time…

DIY #7: Treasure your Trunk

Looking for a great place to store toys in a playroom, blankets in a living room, games in a game room, sheets in a bedroom, or junk in a… well, not junk… 😘😘How about treasure in ANY room… Well, I have a super idea to help tuck away your treasures while adding a bit of style and function to the space. How about an old trunk? You can generally find these at any antique or thrift store, and often times, garage or estate sales. You can find them in all different sizes and conditions, but with a little bit of soap and water, paint and tape, you can restore and customize the trunk to fit your space and needs. In my last two houses, I used a different one for various functions, and did two very different looks for both with only two simple steps.

Step 1: Wash and disinfect your trunk. I used soap and water and even bleach to make sure the trunk was free of any unwanted elements. Once it is washed, put it out to dry thoroughly.

Step 2: Customize your trunk. You can get so creative with this. If it is going in a kids’ room, there are so many colors and designs you can add. Consider rustic, vintage, French, colorful, whatever fits your home/room. You can even include stencil or monograming. I used tape to add 3 different colors to one, while I used chalk paint and wax to add a vintage look to the other.

Whatever the case, you can’t mess up. If you don’t like it, simply start again. My trunk is multifunctional. We use it as a place to store blankets and coats for the winter, but we also use it for additional seating when we have company. It is a super conversation piece and has become a true treasure for our family.



Clean and disinfect your trunk.


Once it dries, begin painting.


Painting with chalk paint.


All white with dark wax for distressing.


Adding tape to paint 3 different colors.


I spray painted the metal parts black.


Using tape for different colors.


The finished product…


The finished product…