A Rustic Mountain Christmas

Whether an outfit, social media post, recipe or great DIY project, it is so much fun putting your stamp on anything you do. Holiday decorating is of no exception. For me, all things burlap, metal, wood, and evergreen; mixed with a splash of birds and bird houses, sealed with a whole lot of love, make for a rustic mountain Christmas.

This is our second Christmas in our cabin. I added a few items to décor I’ve used in the past to layer and create more depth to our spaces. This year, I made a banner to highlight the window in our living room and wrapped all flower pots and wreaths with burlap and holly. Simple, inexpensive, yet classic.


DIY #6: The Christmas Tub: An Alternative to the Expensive Tree Skirt…

If you are like me, you have scoured the various fabulous home stores in search of the perfect tree skirt… only to be disappointed by the hefty price tag. $59.99 (or more) is JUST NOT HAPPENING SISTER!!!! I TOTALLY get it!!! That’s like five additional gifts I could put under the tree…. HELLO!!!! Well if this is you, fear not. I have a great alternative and cure for your “Tree Skirt Blues!!!” A super simple DIY project for the whole family to bring a little extra “joy” to your experience.  It is made with a galvanized tub and is especially perfect for the freshly cut trees that will need regular watering.

The first step is purchasing your tub. You can find these at most home improvement/hardware stores, including Home Depot, Ace Hardware and Tractor Supply Co. Look for the Behrens 16” galvanized steel tub. They are usually no more than $20.34ab6ec8-71ac-4728-855d-bdd6e20aa3df_1.aec77a83eb19ed2541aabc65a91d7beb.jpeg Next, you can select a paint color that matches your décor. I would recommend chalk paint as it will adhere to the metal surface best. I find white to be a great neutral color so that it can serve as the base for any decorating you may want to do thereafter. If you put a tarp down, and grab several paint brushes, this could be a great part for the kids to join in and help.

 Once the paint dries, you can use hot glue to add any accessories to match your décor. I love burlap, so in this picture, I wrapped the center of the tub with burlap and then added metal lettering. However, you can add glitter; surround your tub with pictures, letters, ornaments or whatever creative idea works for you and your family. 


Once your masterpiece is complete, you can carefully place your tree (and stand) inside your bucket and enjoy worry-free watering. Just another way to customize your holiday experience and make it meaningful for the entire family… You can even make changes to it and use it year after year….thus enjoying YOUR journey!!! If you decide to make the Christmas tub, be sure to stop back by and post pics of your creation. Until then, Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!


The Problem with Blogging…

The problem with blogging is that everyone wants to be a writer and no one wants to be a reader. Everyone has such “insight” and wisdom; and so many great and not so great experiences to share that they become more interested in sharing their thoughts than gathering others’.

It would be okay if everyone in attendance at the bake sale was selling various delicious cupcakes. However, if the only people attending the bake sale are the bakers themselves, and the bakers were not buying the other cupcakes… no one would have a sale… 😮😮😮

I encourage everyone to get out and try some other cupcakes. They are delicious and rich and bursting with flavor! The taste and recipe alone may spawn new recipes in you. You may even shed some of your amazing insight with another baker, with hopes their cupcake recipes become better than ever!!!! Something to think about. Happy tasting… ☺