Greetings to you and your family!!! I know this is a very difficult time for us all. I pray that you are not only healed in your physical body, but that your spirit and mind are whole and at rest. That you combat the urge to fill your days with frustration, worry, doubt, fear and even boredom… And you supplement them with joy, peace and love. That you find your strength in faith, hope and the knowledge that God has us all in the palm of His hand and that we WILL overcome.

If you know anything about me, you know that I will find the sunshine in the storm. As difficult as it may seem, we all must do our best to ENJOY THE JOURNEY. A positive thing that has come from our time at home, is the level of creativity we’ve had to produce. It is a beautiful thing to see. We have had to create new activities to maintain a way of life that keeps us in good spirits. Just in case your “idea bank” is running low, I’ve created a list of possibilities you can explore. Whether by yourself, with your kids, spouse, or as a family, here are some activities that can help you and your loved ones continue to enjoy the journey, quarantine style…

  1. Make a COVID-19 time capsule
  2. Have a beautiful picture contest (post the pics online for friends to vote on a winner)
  3. Create jars of positive quotes on strips of paper (pick a new one to share each day)
  4. Catalog your personal COVID-19 journey with a daily journal
  5. Chalk paint the sidewalk
  6. Explore the US National Parks
  7. Look up “dream homes” for sale (Realtor.com, Redfin, Zillow, etc.) Present them to the family.
  8. Make homemade cloth face masks
  9. Use the Sky Map app to look at the stars and planets
  10. Make homemade granola/trail mix
  11. Create a vision board with old magazines
  12. Grab your favorite snacks and drive through beautiful neighborhoods
  13. Research new vacation destinations, (budget, location, activities, hotel etc.) Create a PowerPoint presentation to share with the family for future consideration.
  14. Create thematic playlists (working out, meditating, dancing, cruising etc.)
  15. Have a day at the salon “AT HOME” (do nails, hair, make-up etc.)
  16. Go near an airport and watch planes land and takeoff from the hood of your car (bring snacks and music of course)
  17. Have a weekly ZOOM bible study with your friends
  18. Have a family slumber party
  19. Plant some new trees/flowers/shrubs
  20. Write online reviews for restaurants, stores, products, services you have experienced
  21. Have a couple’s/family paint & sip (follow a YouTube/Pinterest for painting tutorial)
  22. Catalog your COVID-19 journey with a YouTube channel
  23. Have a family tea-party
  24. Walk and listen to a daily podcast (3-5 days a week)
  25. Have a spa day AT HOME (include candles, music, bubbles, oils etc.)
  26. Camp in the back yard
  27. Build a fort (let the kids sleep there😊)
  28. Order copies of the same book and have a family story/reading time
  29. Hand wash/wax the cars
  30. Build your own website
  31. Research potential college/universities to attend
  32. Write and distribute thank you cards to service, healthcare, education, etc. workers
  33. Collect and paint rocks
  34. Make some homemade jewelry (send to loved ones)
  35. Make new homemade dog food recipes
  36. Make family Tik Toks
  37. Have a family award ceremony (present each member with a special award)
  38. Start a virtual book club with your friends
  39. Create a new recipe catalog (exchange with friends online)
  40. Have a takeout date night picnic
  41. Make a scavenger hunt/indoor obstacle course
  42. Have a movie making contest (use iMovie, Videoshop etc.)
  43. Write a handwritten letter to a senior family member
  44. Take a virtual yoga class (YouTube)
  45. Invent a product/business or idea (write out the details and present them to your family)
  46. Complete a large puzzle
  47. Have a family/team bake-off
  48. Make a family scrapbook
  49. Make a bird-feeder (YouTube/Pinterest tutorial)
  50. Give your spouse a massage experience (candles, oils, aromas etc.)
  51. Make and play a family Kahoot game
  52. Make new shorts out of old jeans and sweatpants
  53. Have a themed movie night (Marvel, Rocky, The Karate Kid etc.)
  54. Update your resume
  55. Learn how to play chess. Have online competitions
  56. Create a poetry book
  57. Create a themed scripture list (faith, love, hope, friendship etc.)
  58. Write a funny or inspiring original COVID-19 themed song, rap or poem
  59. Have a family fashion show (include music 😊)
  60. Plant a garden
  61. Restyle your room
  62. Build a bonfire
  63. Make homemade hand sanitizer/shampoo/toothpaste/house cleaning products etc.
  64. Make a gratitude board or journal
  65. Have a family photo shoot
  66. Go on a hike/country walk
  67. Play board games/cards
  68. Have a family picnice
  69. Sightsee all over the world virtually
  70. Write and illustrate a children’s book
  71. Have a family sock/paper bag puppet show
  72. Make a coloring book
  73. Play frisbee
  74. Go fishing
  75. Make homemade popcorn experiment with various seasonings and flavors (i.e. smoked paprika, garlic Parmesan, dill pickle)
  76. Make a homemade facial/beauty mask
  77. Play charades
  78. Groom your dog
  79. Paint an accent wall
  80. Blast your music and have a family Soul Train line
  81. Have a karaoke/lip sync/rap battle party (YouTube)
  82. Have a water gun/balloon fight
  83. Scroll through your social media and post 10 things you love about one friend each day
  84. Watch a sunrise/sunset
  85. Create a family coffee/hot chocolate/tea/smoothie shop (try different brands, flavorings, toppings, etc.)
  86. Buy some coloring books and COLOR 😊 (have a family coloring contest)
  87. Make s’mores
  88. Get dressed up and have a fancy candlelight dinner (include music and dancing)
  89. Create a new bucket list (add a practical timeline to fulfill your list)
  90. Play flashlight tag/capture the flag/truth or dare
  91. Make and fly a kite
  92. Make slime/play dough
  93. Have a “YAY-DAY” celebrate anything/everything/anyone/everyone JUST BECAUSE
  94. Have a comedy night, watch stand-up comedy on YouTube
  95. Have a family magic show competition
  96. Play Tag/Hide and Seek/Red-Light Green-Light/Red Rover etc.
  97. Prepare a lesson/sermon (of your choice) and teach it to your family members (include a test after the lesson)
  98. Make a box/bag of items to donate
  99. Declutter/purge old content/apps/pictures from your electronic devices
  100. Experiment with temporary wild hair colors/braids/styles

You’re Going to Poop the Rest of Your Life… What’s the Rush????

Ok, so I am currently smack dab in the middle of one of the most challenging experiences of my life… I am teaching my 15-year-old son how to drive!!!!!! OOOMMMGGGG!!!! For the most part, I am a pretty calm kinda gal. However, this adventure has required a level of patience like I’ve never experienced before.


Forget the fact that I am still in awe that I have a child who is old enough to drive anyway! I mean, it feels like we were watching episodes of Little Bill, playing Beyblades and building Lego figures just yesterday!!!! Nevertheless, of course when he told me he was enrolled in Driver’s Ed, had to get his learner’s permit, and actually start operating a real motor vehicle, I had to rise to the challenge and help teach him the simple art of driving, right????? UUUUUUMMMM…. NO!!! This thing is INTENSE!!!! Like most people, I’m sure, we started off in the parking lot, moved to dirt roads, and have now advanced to two lane streets; however, it has taken several weeks (and a few missed stop signs) to get here!!!

Though we have been practicing about 3-5 times weekly, it occurred to me, that unfortunately my son is nowhere near the place where he can have his driver’s license and operate a vehicle on his own any time soon. Now that doesn’t mean I will stop working with him. I plan to work with him almost every day until he reaches his goals, however, rather than risk his, ours, or others’ lives, I have come to accept the fact that he needs A LOT more practice and it will probably be much longer than the 2 months he has left until he completes his driver’s training and turns 16.

For some, automatically this would spell failure. I have to admit, my determination for him being successful was what drove my anxiety and frustration. How could we (ultimately, I) fail to meet such a huge milestone? Then it occurred to me, so many of us are governed by the “milestone timeline.” The idea that things must be done according to the majority of the population. That timeline looks like this: You should graduate college by 21, get married by 24-26, pregnant by 30. Baby should be walking by 1, potty-trained by 2, reading by 4. They should be in the gifted and talented group, they should be in 3-5 different athletic or fine arts activities to prepare for scholarships (in 10 years!!!) and the list goes on and on. And OH MY GOSH!!!! YOU ARE 33 AND NOT MARRIED????? What is wrong with you???? We measure ourselves and our successes by our ability to meet these timelines. But I have an important question: WHO set the timelines? What substance or weight do they really hold in the big grand scheme?

I mean, think about it: does it really matter if your baby walks at 14 months instead of 12? Or for heaven sakes, they are SUPER SUPER special if they start walking at 9 months!!! I mean they would qualify for the “Baby Who Walked First Award” right???? Is that any indication of their intellect? Their ability or lack thereof? Or is it merely a source of pride for parents to brag and post that their AMAZING child has passed the test and is READING A BOOK AT AGE 1!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Really????? WHO CARES????

Trust me. I am not making light of us achieving goals for our lives or our children’s lives. However, we must make sure they don’t govern our happiness or reflection of our success. We can’t be filled with feelings of failure if our lives don’t line up with the world’s timeline. You, me, our children were fearfully and wonderfully made. One of a kind. God broke the mold when he made you! Don’t look to the left or the right to determine where you should fit on the marker. RUN YOUR RACE! In all things, we have to seek God for His direction and His timing for the purpose and plan for our life. His ways are so much higher than ours. While we are rushing to marry this man because “I’m getting old and pretty soon I won’t be able to have kids” we settle for less than what He has for us because we are on some crazy time schedule! Because everyone else has a house by “this age,” we go into ridiculous amounts of debt to stay on top of it. We become overly anxious because our kid may not be ready to drive until he is 17…or even 18 and we lose sight of such a great learning experience.

Whatever the case, don’t allow this undo pressure to force a speed race in any area of your life. Slow down and enjoy the journey that is necessary for full completion. Lean not unto your own understanding… let God direct and order your steps and you will always end up on top, finishing at a time suitable for YOU based on HIS timeline.  Ultimately, you/your child will drive, walk, read, talk, poop, for the rest of their life… No need to rush this awesome process!!!
