After almost 18 years of marriage, many people ask, “How do you do it? What’s the secret?” Of course, there is not one specific answer to that question. However, I believe simple choices made each day contribute to a long road to happiness… AND, for you, I will indeed release at least ONE of my juicy, hot, steamy secrets, free of charge… ready? Here it goes… TAKE A WALK!!!!!!

No really. Check this out. My husband and I have been walking together 3-5 days of every week for almost 20 years and I truly think it is one of the things that has helped keep our bond strong. I mean think about it; you can’t talk on the phone, clean a house, fulfill any requirements, finish tasks, or any of the other things that demand your attention, time, and energy. Instead, you are forced to talk, vision cast, share stories from the day, plan vacations, DREAM, take in the scenery, talk about unresolved issues and expectations etc. All the while, you are getting some great exercise and inhaling some of that good old fashion fresh air.

You can delve into a plethora of landscapes, including blocks surrounding your own home, to the high school track in your community; or even find a great parking space in a beautiful neighborhood nearby and explore future homes you dream of living in someday; a local park, beach, lake, mountain or the like. Whatever the case, the uninterrupted time together will help create opportunities for great communication to take place. You will find that when you are intentional about this special time with each other, the visions, the vacations, the dreams, the unresolved issues, the unfulfilled desires all become areas of focus and ultimately points of pleasure and fulfillment because the necessary time was invested.

My husband and I are so committed to our walks, we look forward to them even while on vacation. Sometimes we bring the kids and/or the dog along, but most times it is just us.

Now I won’t even begin to discuss the potentially hot, smokin’ bod you may develop while on these great expeditions, but in the meantime, give this idea a try. When your marriage goes to the next level, when you have come up with new streams of income, great destinations to explore, super ways to resolve that issue with your child, or the fastest method to paying off your last credit card, shoot me a line and let me know!!! I’ll charge you for this great advice then!!! 😊😊😊 Here’s to enjoying the journey…

(scenes from some of our great treks…)




5 thoughts on “WALK THIS WAY…

  1. So I’m stalking these pictures and I’m getting all teary eyed!!! I miss y’all! Tell the fam they are sorely missed! Can’t wait to make the trek to visit. Hugs and love!! ~kamilah


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